- Interdisciplinary, Physician supervised TEAM APPROACH to therapeutic intervention of orthopedic disorders, integrating the best components of North Texas therapy programs.
- Specialty programs for client suffering from: recurrent spinal and extremity pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, headache, TMJ dysfunction, post-surgical dysfunction and pain, arthritis, TBI, SCI and stroke.
- Fostering the “EEE principle”
- Our therapists hold international Diplomas and Certifications in orthopedic approaches:
Mckenzie method SI- Sensory Integration
- ATS programs implement recent scientific advances in empowering the client in SELF TREATMENT TECHNIQUES, including rapid, pain relieving postural correction, self-mobilization, taping, functional strengthening, coping/behavior modification.
- Individual team approach is offered to occupational injuries (Worker’s Compensation), including a residency program for the chronic pain clients, to enable them to return to a gainful employment.
- Evaluations are completed in 72 hours following admission.
- Easy access to the clinic from interstate highways I-20, I-67.
- Multi-language communication: English, Spanish etc.
- On-site family fitness center, with opportunities for a therapist-supervised medical fitness program.